The premise of Nightcrawler is chilling and feels true to a culture obsessed with quickly delivered and slickly packaged info-tainment. Bloom becomes a “stringer,” a lone operator with a police scanner and a camera who shoots scenes of accidents and tragedies and sells the footage to news outlets. He strikes up a relationship with the overnight producer of the lowest rated station in town. The producer, Renee Russo pushes this noir further into the realm of dark comedy, as she opportunistically uses people’s bestial nature to sell her newscast, playing on their fears and manipulating them into cynical hysteria.
The film establishes a creepy tone and Gyllenhal is haunting as Bloom. But unfortunately the least effective moments of the movie are also the longest. When Gyllenhal is slithering through crime scenes or smiling insouciantly to the people he is manipulating he is utterly horrifying. But when the camera rests on him in over the shoulder framing as he talks and talks and talks his menace becomes farcical and the mysteries upon which his character is built (where is he from, why is he the way he is, what will he do next?) just begin to seem like holes in the writing. A character with that much to say should either be revealing himself through his words or through his evasions. When Gyllenhal’s Bloom speaks at length it just sounds like the screenwriter speaking directly to us with the character reduced to a thin pretense.
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